I have a technical question about a product

If you are checking our FAQ for a technical question then you are at the right place, welcome to ManoMano!

A. If you have spotted a product in our catalogue

If you have a technical question about a specific product we invite you to:

  • See the dedicated datasheet on the product page, if available.
  • Read the description of the product.
  • Go to the bottom of the page to consult other customers' opinions. 


Still don't have the answer to your question? Don't worry, we'll help you!

For this you just need to note the "ME" reference of the product, you can find this just below the title of the product on the product page.


Then you just need to get in touch with us so that we can help answer your question.


B. If you are looking for a product and require some help

Just contact our Customer Care Team who will be happy to find the right product.
Please let us know your requirements and we'll do our best to find what you're looking for (technical characteristics, size, weight, colour, price...).

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