Placing an order on our site, there’s nothing simpler!
To order on ManoMano, you must have a customer account.
1. Add the desired products to your basket
2. Confirm your basket
3. Fill in your delivery instructions, including:
- Delivery address: click “change the address” if you wish to make changes or have a delivery address that is different from your billing address;
- Delivery method: sellers each have their own delivery methods (locations, times, couriers); when given a choice, simply choose the one that best suits your needs;
- At this stage, you will be able to see the total amount of shipping costs.
4. Confirm your delivery instructions to be taken to the next step, which is regarding the payment method you wish to use.
At this time, you can also enter your promotional code if you have one and make changes to your order (content and delivery and billing addresses)
5. Click “Order and Pay” to confirm your basket and save your transaction
6. Preparation of your order will not begin until ManoMano has received and validated your payment. At this point, you will receive your order reference by email; make sure that you keep it.
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